Early Black Friday 2020: Why This Year It’s Going To Be Crazy and Different

Early Black Friday 2020: Why This Year It’s Going To Be Crazy and Different

Black Friday 2020 is fast approaching, and this year, it seems like it will be a scorcher! 2020 has been a challenging year for us all, whilst challenges tend to knock us off our stride, they always present an opportunity for innovation, and we’ve seen quite a few since the emergence of COVID-19. Black Friday has certainly changed a lot over the years, it’s going to look even more different come November, as the world tries to come to terms with the fact that it’s not safe to crowd a bunch of people into an enclosed space, let alone a crowded store.

Black Friday is officially slotted in for Nov. 27 (the day after Thanksgiving), but with a lot, that’s still up in the air. For instance, whether or not people will even be able to shop in-store. Despite being deep within a pandemic, retailers are faced with the challenge of pushing enough sales to stop 2020 being a financial right off. To avoid such an outcome, most retailers will be offering seemingly crazy deals to rack up as much revenue as possible. Black Friday in the past has been conducted over a single weekend, but this year we see this trend switching to a much longer period. This presents an awesome opportunity for customers to pick up some fantastic deals within a reasonable time frame.

So what will be different this year?

Black Friday is starting earlier

Black Friday has since become a month-long event, so we’re expecting it to feel even longer this year. We encourage you to get your wallet ready earlier because there will most definitely be some early Black Friday deals. Since online shopping has no physical limitations, so retailers are expected to start running deals promptly. With the year coming to an end retailers have to make hay whilst the ‘proverbial’ sun shines. This means tempting shoppers to come out earlier, Verizon Wireless, in particular, has shot out of the blocks already. With the excitement over the new iPhone 12 still buzzing, Verizon Wireless has already started offering mouth-watering deals of its unlimited UW 5G bundled with iPhones.

What should you do?

  • Because Black Friday is starting early, we encourage you to do your research early. Verizon Wireless tends to announce Black Friday deals or offer up exclusive savings via newsletters. So it is worthwhile to take a few moments and subscribe to the newsletters before Black Friday; third party sites like slick-deals can help you get started. Slick deals run several Verizon Wireless Black Friday Deals, they have offers that include discounts, promo codes, coupons, coupon codes which can give up to 50% off. Please note: these are online codes redeemable when buying via online platforms

Online Shopping will be big

Wondering how people will shop on Black Friday this year amid COVID-19 concerns? The answer is Online. Everyone loves bagging a bargain, more so on the biggest shopping day of the year. But Black Friday 2020 is going to be different. Even if stores attempt to hold in-store shopping events, chances are they likely won’t be the same as the ones in previous years. Add to the fact that many people probably won’t feel safe going to the stores with COVID-19 still in the picture. This means the vast majority of us will do all our purchases online. Some retailers like Verizon Wireless have already started pushing online sales in anticipation of consumers migrating to online platforms, we are very happy with this development.

What should you do?

  • Holiday shopping can be expensive. If you’re planning to make some big-ticket purchases on Black Friday weekend, try and get as much off as you can. By making use of Slick-deals you get promo codes and vouchers, reward points, and more. With numerous Verizon Wireless exclusive deals, you will make huge savings.
  • This is a tip that applies all year-round when shopping online, scammers are always ready to take advantage of unsuspecting customers, and with the excitement that comes with Black Friday, and many people tend to fall for these scams. Make sure you shop with trusted sources with secure online platforms such as the Verizon Wireless platforms. With newsletter roll in, we encourage shoppers to keep an eye out for phishing scams— these are messages that look legit but are just slightly off, for instance, misspellings and odd domains in the return addresses. These emails are often full of malware-laden links. When you go to the checkout page make a purchase, make sure that it’s encrypted. You can tell it’s encrypted and secure by looking for HTTPS URLs vs. HTTP and a lock icon on the URL bar. For an example of how these features look like, make use of the Verizon Wireless website as a yardstick of how safe online platforms look like.

Pre-empt Tech issues

Consumers should be ready to hit that refresh button because there will be an influx of traffic for retailers’ online shops, consequently, you should expect to run into technical issues. Be prepared for sites to be slower or just crash altogether because of the obscene amount of traffic.

We are also expecting to see challenges with items remaining in stock. This is something an outcome we have already experienced in normal years so don’t expect that to change, with an online-only Black Friday, we see people having to do the fighting over the last items on the shelf virtually

What should you do?

  • We advise you to use trusted merchants, in the event of a purchasing glitch, a trusted merchant like Verizon Wireless is most likely to reverse the transaction promptly.
  • Make sure you shop as early as possible before large numbers of online shoppers overwhelm the online platforms

2020 Black Friday is projected to break records, don’t leave it too late by planning way and the following are handy tips for a safe, satisfying shopping experience.